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Teaching and Learning Innovation Projects (TLIP)

With the University’s goal of achieving effective learning by enhancing students’ motivation and active engagement through a variety of active learning pedagogies, the fundamental aim of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Projects (TLIP) is to encourage faculty and teaching staff to initiate and experiment innovative ideas in their teaching.

Objective of TLIP

Incorporating gamification and game-based learning to enrich engagement
Adoption of augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality technology
Incorporating gamification and game-based learning to enrich engagement
Adoption of augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality technology

Funded Projects

The CEI funds projects that explore innovative educational practices across different disciplines and faculties. This year, we have supported projects that investigate how to incorporate emerging pedagogical tools such as gamification, AR and VR, and experiential learning into teaching and learning at HKUST. Learn more about these projects and our past projects to understand CEI’s commitment to supporting innovative educational practices
